
Showing posts from December, 2018

Devotional, December 28, 20q8

Devotional for Adults December 28, 2018 Gratitude for the greatness of God "When he got up again tomorrow, the next day, Dagon had fallen prostrate on the ground before the Ark of the Lord, and Dagon's head and both his hands were cut off on the threshold; Dagon had only the trunk left "(1 Samuel 5: 4). THE ISRAELITES were face to face in battle with the enemy. They had been defeated by the Philistines and about 4000 men died. Seeing that the Philistines had won the battle, the people of Israel chose to take the ark of God to the camp. "All Israel cried with such great joy that the earth shook. When the Philistines heard the shouts of joy, they said: "What shouts of joy are these in the camp of the Hebrews?" And they knew that the ark of Jehovah had been brought into the camp "(1 Samuel 4: 5, 6). The Israelites believed that the power was in the ark to give them the victory, but the power came from obedience to the Law of God that was inside the ark. L...

Votional December 26

Devotional for Adults December 26, 2018 The power of praise and gratitude  "Rejoice Jehovah, all the earth; lift up your voice, clap your hands and sing psalms" (Psalm 98: 4). GRATITUDE and praise are expressions that flow from a heart redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ, which flows from men and women who recognize the power of God, from those who have had a personal encounter with Christ; knowing that God has forgiven them, they can not keep silent. So they cry: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord, Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest!" (Luke 19: 38). Gratitude is to confess that God is exalted and perfect, great in mercy and kindness, slow to anger and great in deep love for all mankind. Who seeks with love the one who flees from him. He bends down to the bed of pain and takes in his arms the helpless and unable to do something for himself. To the one who says as David: «I will praise you, because your works are formidable and wonderful; I a...

Devotional December 25

🌲Happy Holidays🌲 "But we look for, according to his promises, new heavens and new earth, in which righteousness dwells" (2 Peter 3:13).  THE RESURRECTION AND THE RESTORATION OF RELATIONS  From the earliest days of the church, the promise of Christ's return has sustained the heart of the fel people of God, perhaps more than anything else, especially during the trials.  Beyond his frightful struggles, beyond his inconsolable grief and pain, he had the hope of the return of Christ and all the wonderful promises contained in the Second Coming.  Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13 to 18. What promises are included in this passage? What do they tell us about the hope of re-establishing relationships?  1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18  13 Brothers, we do not want you to remain without knowing what happens with the dead, so that you do not grieve like the others, those who have no hope.  14 Just as we believe...

Devotional, December 23

Devotional for Adults December 23, 2018 Thank God for the gifts he has given us "Praise the Lord! Every day the God of our salvation fills us with benefits! "(Psalm 68:19). MANY or few of our talents, we have much to thank the Lord for. We can thank for the gift of singing, of teaching, for the gift of speaking, writing, drawing or painting. Those of us who have known the gospel, for the gift of sharing it with others. Say: "Forever is his mercy." Above all, we have the gift of God's grace that saves us. This is the most wonderful gift God has given us. Paul said: "By grace you are saved through faith; and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God "(Ephesians 2: 8). A young man had a very handsome, intelligent father with an extraordinary capacity for communication. He was always surrounded by people waiting for his wise and wise words. But he had a problem that nullified all his abilities: he was an alcoholic. Alcohol made him irresponsible with h...

Devotional december 20

Devotional for Adults December 20, 2018 Jesus confirms Peter's faith and loyalty «After eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter:" Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these? " He replied: "Yes, Lord; you know I love you". He said to him, "Feed my lambs" (John 21:15). PEDRO DENIED CHRIST three times in the courtroom. He denied that he belonged to Christ and even cursed, even when he had sworn to go with Jesus to prison and death. However, Jesus looked at him with tenderness and compassion. It was then that the disciple felt that his heart was pierced by an arrow and ran out of the room. He ran in solitude and darkness, until he saw himself in the Garden of Gethsemane, right where Christ had cried and agonized in prayer. There, he wished to die for the betrayal he had committed. But he did not take his life like Judas, who also ran out of the room to hang himself and not see the crucifixion of Jesus. Peter was about to be dismissed as one of the apost...

Devotional, December 19

Devotional for Adults December 19, 2018 God helps us to understand the Word "He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45). THE WORD OF GOD is an inexhaustible source of wisdom and knowledge. We mortals have a finite mind to try to understand everything the Scriptures say about God. Many times we do not understand them, but God has promised that just as He opened the understanding of the disciples so that they would understand his resurrection and the mission of his church on earth, he will do the same for us. As we study the Scriptures, we should pray fervently for God to enlighten the understanding, because the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures, and they are a revelation of God. Let us experience the words of the psalmist: "The exposition of your words enlightens the simple ones" (Psalm 119: 130). William Miller said: "I was convinced that the Bible is a system of revealed truths given with such clarity and...

Devotional, December 18

Devotional for Adults December 18, 2018 The joy that invades when there is hope "They, having worshiped him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were always in the temple, praising and blessing God "(Luke 24: 52, 53). JESUS, after his resurrection, went out with his disciples from the village of Bethany, and lifting his hands, he blessed them. Then, he separated from them and was taken to heaven (Luke 24:51). The disciples took the time necessary to worship him in the place where he ascended to heaven. They heard the testimony of the angels, who said that Christ was going to occupy the throne of his Father in heaven. We do not know how long they remained in that place but we do know that their hearts were filled with great joy, because they knew that Jesus would return very soon according to his promise. Christ came to earth as God clothed with humanity. He ascended to heaven as king of the saints. His ascension was worthy of his...

Devotional December 17

GOD IS NEVER WRONG MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2018   Come, let us adore and prostrate; Let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Ps. 95: 6. Our century lives the trivialization of God. The human tendency is to make it small and insignificant. The biblical concept of God is different. For the Hebrew culture, God was not a simple "energy", "aura", "light" or "influence". God was God, sovereign and eternal, Creator of the heavens and the earth. God personal and present in human life. The psalmist invites us all to join him in prayer and in the recognition of the greatness of the Creator: "Let us kneel," says the prophet, using the Hebrew word barak which means, literally, recognizing that God is always right. He is never wrong. His advice is wise and aimed at human happiness, although for the creature they seem to have no meaning. The mystery of his designs does not mean arbitrariness. It is not the angry ...

Devotional. December 16

Devotional for Adults December 16, 2018 The time is near "See that you are not deceived, because many will come in my name saying: I am the Christ and the time is near. But do not go after them "(Luke 21: 8). TIME is fast approaching its end. Christ is about to rise from his throne to come to earth and free his people from the bondage of sin. While this happens, and time goes by, many will rise up to discourage believers and weaken their faith, not with strange doctrines, but with subtle concepts that mix truth with error. They are inside the same church, but they are not converted. They are instruments of the devil. Seduce to do evil with stealth. They appear to be good Christians, they are missionaries, they give their tithes, but they are messengers of the enemy. They will deceive the chosen ones if possible (Matthew 24:24). How to recognize a false Christ? Satan works through his agents. Choose those who have not been drinking from th...

Devotional December

Devotional for Adults December 14, 2018 Practical religion "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind; and to your neighbor as yourself "(Luke 10: 27). IT IS A DANGER to be religious but not Christian; believe in God but not have faith and trust in the plan of salvation. The parable says that an expert in the law of Moses approached Jesus and asked him what he could do to inherit eternal life. His answer is found in today's verse. This is the essence of a practical, internal religion, which has to do with the heart, the mind and the forces of the whole being, to take care of others with love; it is the center of the law and the norm by which the children of God are to live. Jesus said: "Do all that and you will have eternal life." But the man was not satisfied with the answer. I wanted to know who was the neighbor Jesus was referring to. I wanted to kno...

Devotional December 12, 2018

Devotional for Adults December 12, 2018 How much do you love God? "A creditor had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty. Not having them with what to pay, he forgave them both "(Luke 7:41, 42). SIMON THE PHARISEE invited Jesus and his disciples to a dinner. On that occasion, he explained the parable to help understand how great is the love of a person to whom God has greatly forgiven and given peace to his heart. This joy is priceless, it is incalculable. Simon had been healed of leprosy by Jesus, but even so, his character had not been transformed and his principles had not changed. Mary's love for her Savior was expressed as Jesus told Simon: «I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet; but with tears of repentance, driven by love, Mary has washed my feet, and dried them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this one, which you despise, since I entered, has not stopped kissing my ...


Devotional for Adults December 11, 2018 Faith gets the favor of God "Jesus marveled at him and turning around, said to the people who followed him:" I tell you, not even in Israel have I found so much faith "» (Luke 7: 9). THE ROMAN CENTURION heard about Jesus and faith was born in his heart, because faith comes from hearing and reading the Word of God. He knew the greatness of Jesus, his healing power and his authority. That is why he said: "Lord, do not bother, for I am not worthy to enter under my roof, so I did not even consider myself worthy to go to you, but say the word and my servant will be healed" (Luke 7: 6, 7). The centurion knew that if Jesus, as a Jew, entered the house of a Gentile, he would be ceremonially impure. That is why he asked that he say the words necessary for his servant to heal. That faith is taking for granted what has not yet happened. It is a faith with full confidence of what will happen, and as he bel...

The False Adoration 10 December 2018

THE FALSE ADORATION  Read Matthew 4: 8 and 9. What was the third temptation of Jesus in the desert?  Matthew 4: 8 and 9  8 Again the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,  9 And he said to him, All this I will give you, if you prostrate you will worship me.  With pride and arrogance, Satan proclaimed himself the legitimate ruler of the world, master of all his riches and glory, and claimed the honor and respect of all who live in him, as if he had created the world. What an insult to the Creator! Satan revealed that he knows exactly what worship is about: it is honoring and respecting the rightful owner of the universe.  Compare the experience of the three Hebrew friends of Daniel 3 (especially verses 8-18) with the power of the end time of Revelation 13: 4 and 14: 9 to 11. What is at stake in the end time? What is the essential problem in both stories? ...

May Jesus touch us to revive us

Devotional for Adults December 09, 2018 May Jesus touch us to revive us «The angel of the LORD stretched out the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened bread with the point, and fire came up from the rock, which consumed the flesh and the unleavened bread. Then the angel of the LORD disappeared from his sight "(Judges 6: 21). GEDEON asked God for a sign of his call, saying: "If I have found favor with you, give me a sign that you have spoken with me" (Judges 6:17). He asked for time to take his offering and God granted it. He put a stewed goat and unleavened bread before God, and placed it on a rock according to the angel's instruction. There, he extended the staff that was in his hand, touched the offering with the tip and a flame of fire that burst from the rock consumed the sacrifice. The one who consumed it was God. After that show of his divine character, the angel disappeared. The angel of the Lord...


OFFERS THE BEST! SATURDAY, DECEMBER 08, 2018 The gifts of a man open the path that leads to the presence of the great. Prov. 18:16.   Offering a present to an authority or receiving a present, if you are in a position of influence, can be frowned upon. Bribery is an immoral mechanism that is used to get a favor and even to buy conscience. Evidently, the biblical text is not referring to this type of present. In the biblical lands one never spoke with a real authority without taking a gift to him. It was the symbol of respect. To approach a person with the investiture of a king, without carrying anything, empty-handed, would be reckless. Let's now make a transfer of all this to God. Each time we approach him, we must do so with an attitude of respect and submission. Of course, the greatest present that he expects from his creatures is a heart willing to adore him. Anything else that you offer, is just an expression of what the heart is feeling. ...

Devotional for adults December 07, 2018

Devotional for Adults December 07, 2018 The principles of the kingdom of God "Leaving near the eleventh hour, he found others who were unemployed and said to them:" Why are you here all day unoccupied? " They said to him, "Because no one has hired us." He told them, "You also go to the vineyard and you will receive what is just" (Matthew 20: 6, 7). JESUS ​​EXPRESSED the parable of the workers of the vineyard to refer to the lack of understanding of the reward of God. "The rabbis taught that divine favor had to be won. They hoped to earn the reward of the righteous for their own deeds "(E. G. White, Words of Life of the Great Teacher, page 322). That is why the parable inverts traditional values ​​and teaches that entry into the kingdom is achieved by accepting the grace of God and not by the quantity or quality of the works. It also teaches that God is the one who determines who enters the kingdom, some who do n...