Devotional, December 18

Devotional for Adults
December 18, 2018

The joy that invades when there is hope

"They, having worshiped him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were always in the temple, praising and blessing God "(Luke 24: 52, 53).

JESUS, after his resurrection, went out with his disciples from the village of Bethany, and lifting his hands, he blessed them. Then, he separated from them and was taken to heaven (Luke 24:51).

The disciples took the time necessary to worship him in the place where he ascended to heaven. They heard the testimony of the angels, who said that Christ was going to occupy the throne of his Father in heaven. We do not know how long they remained in that place but we do know that their hearts were filled with great joy, because they knew that Jesus would return very soon according to his promise.

Christ came to earth as God clothed with humanity. He ascended to heaven as king of the saints. His ascension was worthy of his high character. He was like one who is powerful in battle, victorious, who leads captivity captive. He was accompanied by the heavenly host, between ovations and acclamations of praise and celestial singing. The disciples could listen only for a few moments to the singing of the angels when their Lord ascended with his hands extended in blessing. They did not hear the greeting he received. All the sky was united for its reception. He did not beg to enter. All heaven was honored with his presence (E. G. White, manuscript 34, 1897).

The joy that Christ lives so that we also live, that he ascended to heaven so that we too ascend and left us the hope of returning soon for his people, should keep us praising him always in the temple and blessing his holy name. The ascension of Jesus gave power, wisdom and intelligence to his disciples.

If we long to meet Christ and receive him in glory and majesty, we must keep joy in our hearts. In the Bible in modern language, it reads: "Every day they went to the temple to worship God" (Luke 24:53). The place where God meets his people is the temple, which he has chosen to reveal his glory and speak with his children. The Psalmist David said: "Blessed are those who dwell in your house, they will praise you forever! [...] Better is a day in your courts than a thousand outside them "(Psalm 84: 4, 10). Praise God always.

Helen Feliz
Redes @chili_helen


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