Devotional december 20

Devotional for Adults
December 20, 2018

Jesus confirms Peter's faith and loyalty

«After eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter:" Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these? " He replied: "Yes, Lord; you know I love you". He said to him, "Feed my lambs" (John 21:15).

PEDRO DENIED CHRIST three times in the courtroom. He denied that he belonged to Christ and even cursed, even when he had sworn to go with Jesus to prison and death. However, Jesus looked at him with tenderness and compassion. It was then that the disciple felt that his heart was pierced by an arrow and ran out of the room. He ran in solitude and darkness, until he saw himself in the Garden of Gethsemane, right where Christ had cried and agonized in prayer. There, he wished to die for the betrayal he had committed. But he did not take his life like Judas, who also ran out of the room to hang himself and not see the crucifixion of Jesus. Peter was about to be dismissed as one of the apostles, but his Master forgave him and rescued him.

The three times Jesus asked Peter in public, "Do you love me more than these?", Was to give proof of his repentance for dishonoring Christ and incurring the distrust of the other disciples. He had to give proof of his ministry. Christ gave him the opportunity to regain confidence before his companions and, as far as possible, eliminate the opprobrium with which he had stained the gospel. Secret sins must be confessed in secret, but open sin requires open confession. Jesus obtained from Peter the assurance of his love and loyalty. With his humiliation and repentance, Peter was better prepared as a shepherd of the flock, because he had been transformed by the power of Jesus.

If we have sinned before God, we need a genuine repentance and an acknowledgment that Christ is our Savior.

Helen Feliz


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