May Jesus touch us to revive us

Devotional for Adults
December 09, 2018

May Jesus touch us to revive us

«The angel of the LORD stretched out the staff that was in his hand, and touched the flesh and the unleavened bread with the point, and fire came up from the rock, which consumed the flesh and the unleavened bread. Then the angel of the LORD disappeared from his sight "(Judges 6: 21).

GEDEON asked God for a sign of his call, saying: "If I have found favor with you, give me a sign that you have spoken with me" (Judges 6:17). He asked for time to take his offering and God granted it. He put a stewed goat and unleavened bread before God, and placed it on a rock according to the angel's instruction. There, he extended the staff that was in his hand, touched the offering with the tip and a flame of fire that burst from the rock consumed the sacrifice. The one who consumed it was God. After that show of his divine character, the angel disappeared.

The angel of the Lord in the Old Testament and especially in this scene, is Jesus Christ communicating his message to humans. It was the same one who visited Abraham to communicate the promise of a great nation. Christ appears to Gideon the second time:

«Peace to you; do not be afraid, you will not die ». These precious words were spoken by the same compassionate Savior who told his disciples about the stormy sea: "Have courage; I am, do not be afraid! »(Matthew 14: 22). He was the one who also appeared to the afflicted disciples in the upper room and spoke to them the same words that he addressed to Gideon: "Peace to you" (Luke 24:36) (EG White, The truth about angels, page 19) .

Just as Jesus touched the offering and was consumed by fire, so it is necessary for us to be consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, purified and sanctified for heaven. St. Luke mentions that parents brought their children to Jesus to touch them (Luke 18: 15). The touch of Jesus blesses, as well as the loaves of the Lord's Supper, like the fishes and the loaves of the feeding of the five thousand. The touch of Jesus heals, as it did with the blind man from Bethsaida who was begged to touch him. The touch of Jesus transforms and revives, places us in tune with God, makes us new creatures, with a new heart and a righteous spirit within us. Ask today for God to touch you.

Helen Feliz
Redes @chili_helen


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