Devotional, December 23

Devotional for Adults
December 23, 2018

Thank God for the gifts he has given us

"Praise the Lord! Every day the God of our salvation fills us with benefits! "(Psalm 68:19).

MANY or few of our talents, we have much to thank the Lord for. We can thank for the gift of singing, of teaching, for the gift of speaking, writing, drawing or painting. Those of us who have known the gospel, for the gift of sharing it with others. Say: "Forever is his mercy."

Above all, we have the gift of God's grace that saves us. This is the most wonderful gift God has given us. Paul said: "By grace you are saved through faith; and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God "(Ephesians 2: 8).

A young man had a very handsome, intelligent father with an extraordinary capacity for communication. He was always surrounded by people waiting for his wise and wise words. But he had a problem that nullified all his abilities: he was an alcoholic. Alcohol made him irresponsible with his home and his work, until he lost everything. He only walked through the streets of his town drinking alcohol in the canteens. That family descended from the upper middle class to the poor and did not stop until they reached misery. The son hated his father, he considered him guilty of all his misfortunes because he had not been able to go to university. What this young man did not know was that God had good plans for him.

In the midst of that poverty he met God and accepted him in his heart; That's how his life took a complete turn. He went to a seminary, studied to become a minister and today is a preacher of the Word. Without realizing it he began to love his alcoholic father, rather, he began to love him again. When his father was in bed due to cancer, the son knelt by his bed many times to thank God for the father who had brought him into the world to fulfill his purpose. The father, before dying, knew God for his son and gave his heart. The son says: "This is how I met God and I thank the Creator because he did not abandon me, but gave me the gift of the grace of salvation."

Let us give gratitude today to God for the gift of grace by which we are saved.


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