Devotional for adults December 07, 2018

Devotional for Adults
December 07, 2018

The principles of the kingdom of God

"Leaving near the eleventh hour, he found others who were unemployed and said to them:" Why are you here all day unoccupied? " They said to him, "Because no one has hired us." He told them, "You also go to the vineyard and you will receive what is just" (Matthew 20: 6, 7).

JESUS ​​EXPRESSED the parable of the workers of the vineyard to refer to the lack of understanding of the reward of God. "The rabbis taught that divine favor had to be won. They hoped to earn the reward of the righteous for their own deeds "(E. G. White, Words of Life of the Great Teacher, page 322). That is why the parable inverts traditional values ​​and teaches that entry into the kingdom is achieved by accepting the grace of God and not by the quantity or quality of the works. It also teaches that God is the one who determines who enters the kingdom, some who do not expect them to enter will be there.

If God treated men merely on the basis of strict justice, no one could be in a position to receive the incomparably generous rewards of heaven and eternity. In view of heaven, knowledge, hierarchy, talent, time of service, the amount of work, and the visible results of the work done have no value, but the voluntary spirit with which they are undertaken is taken into account. the tasks assigned and the fidelity with which they are carried out. The first to be hired in the early hours of the morning, agreed to work for a certain amount, but those who were hired at the third, sixth, ninth and eleventh hour, the father said: "I will give you what be just "(Matthew 20: 4, 7). The former represent salaried workers who expect a reward in proportion to their work. That's why they got angry, they murmured, they complained and they criticized the father of the family, because they were not happy with what they received. However, those who were hired later left their reward at the judgment of the owner of the house.

They believed in the employer's promise: "I will give you whatever is fair." They showed their trust in him by not asking any questions regarding his salary, they trusted in his justice and fairness. And they were rewarded, not according to the amount of their work, but according to the generosity of their purpose [...]. This is what happens with the sinner who, knowing his lack of merit, has entered the vineyard of the Lord at the eleventh hour. His time of service seems very short, he does not feel worthy of any reward, but he is full of joy because at least God has accepted him (White, Words of Life of the Great Teacher, pp. 328, 329).


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