Devotional, December 19

Devotional for Adults
December 19, 2018

God helps us to understand the Word

"He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45).

THE WORD OF GOD is an inexhaustible source of wisdom and knowledge. We mortals have a finite mind to try to understand everything the Scriptures say about God. Many times we do not understand them, but God has promised that just as He opened the understanding of the disciples so that they would understand his resurrection and the mission of his church on earth, he will do the same for us.

As we study the Scriptures, we should pray fervently for God to enlighten the understanding, because the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures, and they are a revelation of God. Let us experience the words of the psalmist: "The exposition of your words enlightens the simple ones" (Psalm 119: 130). William Miller said: "I was convinced that the Bible is a system of revealed truths given with such clarity and simplicity, that whoever walks along the path traced by them, however foolish, does not have to be lost" (EG White, Conflict of the centuries, page 320).

The angels commanded by Christ help us understand the Scriptures. A wonderful example is found with the prophet Daniel, when he was disturbed and sick by the vision that is narrated in chapter 8 of his book. He turned his face to God, sought him in prayer and prayer, with fasting, tears and ashes. He prostrated himself to pray and confess the sins of the people and of his life. When he was speaking, praying and confessing, the angel Gabriel arrived with alacrity to understand the vision: "He made me understand, and he spoke with me saying:" Daniel, now I have come out to give you wisdom and understanding [...]. I have come to show you "» (Daniel 9: 3, 4, 22, 23).

There is nothing better to strengthen the intellect than the study of Holy Scripture. No other book is so powerful to elevate thoughts and energize faculties as the vast and ennobling truths of the Bible. If the Word of God were properly studied, men would have a mental breadth, a nobility of character and a firmness of purpose that can rarely be seen in these times (E. G. White, The Way to Christ, page 120).

Let us ask God to open our understanding to understand his Word.

Helen Feliz
Redes @chili_helen


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