Devotional. December 16

Devotional for Adults
December 16, 2018

The time is near

"See that you are not deceived, because many will come in my name saying: I am the Christ and the time is near. But do not go after them "(Luke 21: 8).

TIME is fast approaching its end. Christ is about to rise from his throne to come to earth and free his people from the bondage of sin. While this happens, and time goes by, many will rise up to discourage believers and weaken their faith, not with strange doctrines, but with subtle concepts that mix truth with error. They are inside the same church, but they are not converted. They are instruments of the devil. Seduce to do evil with stealth. They appear to be good Christians, they are missionaries, they give their tithes, but they are messengers of the enemy. They will deceive the chosen ones if possible (Matthew 24:24).

How to recognize a false Christ?

Satan works through his agents. Choose those who have not been drinking from the living waters, whose souls are thirsty for something new and strange, and who are always willing to drink from whatever source is present [...]. The voice of strangers is the voice of those who do not respect or obey the law of God: holy, just and good (E. G. White, Review and Herald, November 17, 1885).

The Word of God confirms it: "He who says:" I know him ", but does not keep his commandments, he is a liar and the truth is not in him» (1 John 2: 4). They also base their beliefs on miracles. «Do not go after them».

We need to be anchored in Christ, rooted and built up in the faith, with a clear knowledge of the Word of God and in constant prayer.

As time goes by, the tests are getting stronger. The confusion and the bustle increase. Idolatry and worldliness are undermining spirituality and some soldiers of Christ are falling from the ranks. It is time to live in the shadow of the Almighty. It is time to build on the rock, cry out to God for deliverance, ask forgiveness for all the faults committed and pray to God to affirm our faith in him. The prophecy for the time of the end is: "Soon there will be serious difficulties among the nations, which will not cease until Christ comes" (White, Councils for the Church, page 613). E. G. White adds: "We are near the time of the end when Satan has come down with great wrath, knowing that he has little time left. He is working with all deception of injustice in those who perish "(White, Jewels of the testimonies, t 1, page 388). As time is ending, the Savior of the world invites us to place ourselves on his side.

Helen Feliz
Redes @chili_helen


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