Devotional December 17



Come, let us adore and prostrate; Let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Ps. 95: 6.

Our century lives the trivialization of God. The human tendency is to make it small and insignificant. The biblical concept of God is different. For the Hebrew culture, God was not a simple "energy", "aura", "light" or "influence". God was God, sovereign and eternal, Creator of the heavens and the earth. God personal and present in human life.

The psalmist invites us all to join him in prayer and in the recognition of the greatness of the Creator: "Let us kneel," says the prophet, using the Hebrew word barak which means, literally, recognizing that God is always right. He is never wrong. His advice is wise and aimed at human happiness, although for the creature they seem to have no meaning.

The mystery of his designs does not mean arbitrariness. It is not the angry father who shouts at his son: "Shut your mouth, you only obey!" That apparent mystery seems indecipherable to the human being, limited by petty and earthly values. But one day, when the creature is liberated from its human nature, everything will be clarified.

When my eldest son learned to crawl, he was fascinated by electrical outlets. He liked to put his finger in the openings and expose himself to the deadly danger of electrocution. At his tender age, it would be useless to explain to a creature of only nine months the reaction that could produce the union of the positive pole with the negative. When I shouted: "No!", It was only for the sake of my son, even if he was unable to understand.

This is the reason that the psalmist gives in today's text to worship God "Let's kneel," he says, let us recognize that God is God, that he never makes a mistake and that he only wants our good.

If you deposited your life in the hands of God, in spite of that, things will always come out as you would like them to come out. But trust in the Lord, kneel down, love him, because he knows what he is doing and, sooner than you imagine, you will understand. Do not be discouraged. In order to reach the port of victory, it is necessary to sail with the wind, sometimes in favor, sometimes against, but not stop sailing.

Therefore, "Come, let us adore and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. "

Helen Feliz
Redes @chili_helen


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