Devotional, December 28, 20q8

Devotional for Adults
December 28, 2018

Gratitude for the greatness of God

"When he got up again tomorrow, the next day, Dagon had fallen prostrate on the ground before the Ark of the Lord, and Dagon's head and both his hands were cut off on the threshold; Dagon had only the trunk left "(1 Samuel 5: 4).

THE ISRAELITES were face to face in battle with the enemy. They had been defeated by the Philistines and about 4000 men died. Seeing that the Philistines had won the battle, the people of Israel chose to take the ark of God to the camp. "All Israel cried with such great joy that the earth shook. When the Philistines heard the shouts of joy, they said: "What shouts of joy are these in the camp of the Hebrews?" And they knew that the ark of Jehovah had been brought into the camp "(1 Samuel 4: 5, 6).

The Israelites believed that the power was in the ark to give them the victory, but the power came from obedience to the Law of God that was inside the ark. Likewise, many times we trust in the objects used by God to show his glory, and not in the God of power and glory.

The ark was taken by the Philistines to Ashdod and placed next to Dagon. The next day, when the priests entered to worship, they found Dagon prostrate on the ground before the ark of Jehovah. Thinking it was chance, they placed him back on his altar. The next day, Dagon had fallen again prostrate on the ground in front of the ark, his head and his two hands were cut off and separated from the trunk.

EG White comments: "The Lord allowed his ark to be taken by his enemies, to show Israel how vain it was to trust in it, the symbol of his presence, while they were transgressing the commandments it contained" (EG White, The History of the redemption, page 192).

How great is God. What power of yours! With a ray of light he makes an enemy his apostle, with a glance tears from the eyes of Pedro tears that save, with a word resurrects Lazarus; with the border of her dress dissipates the pain and drives away death. Immense power! Before him we knelt with reverence.


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