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The generation of Jesus

Devotional for Adults December 12, 2016 The generation of Jesus: 144,000 - 1 "We know, brothers beloved of God, that he has chosen you." 1 Thessalonians 1: 4. There has been a simple question, which is answered affirmatively or negatively, with which I have been fighting. Maybe you will too. Does God have a criterion for the last generation of His elect on earth different from the one He had for all previous generations? Is there a criterion of "translation" (for the elect who will go to heaven without experiencing death) that is different from a criterion of "resurrection" (for the elect who will be resurrected when Jesus returns)? You will say: "What gives? How does that change things? " Well, if God, in fact, has two different criteria for his friends, depending on when they lived in the history of salvation, would not you want to know what God's judgment is for this potentially last generation of elect? Well of course! So let's lo...

Devotional for Adults December 03, 2016 The factor of Isacar - 3

Devotional for Adults December 03, 2016 The factor of Isacar - 3 "But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own account, but will speak all that he hears and will tell you the things that are to come." John 16:13. WOULD YOU LIKE THE UNUSUAL ability of the factor of Issachar to understand the times and know what to do? Here are seven simple ways in which the gift of discernment can also be yours. 1. Pray for discernment. Read our text again today. Jesus specifically promised that the Holy Spirit "will make known to you the things that are to come." Start asking now. 2. Study the Word. It makes no sense to try to understand the times without considering what God has already spoken about those times. Review the old prophecies, examine new passages, immerse yourself in the Holy Scriptures. It is precisely the Book that the elect must master. "The exposition of your words gives light; He makes the simple...

Devotional for Adults November 30, 2016 The generation to John the Baptist - 4

Devotional for Adults November 30, 2016 The generation to John the Baptist - 4 "And he went throughout the region adjoining the Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." Luke 3: 3. We were in Europe trying to find Neuschwanstein, that fairy-tale castle in Bavaria, which our daughter had been wanting to see for a long time. We stopped in Innsbruck, Austria, to eat and then we followed our journey by car, discovering a magnificent four-lane motorway that ran through spectacular mountain landscapes. But it seemed we were headed south. We finally left the road next to a small house on a hillside and asked the family how to get to the castle. Looking at our map and then at us, they shook their heads. "No, no. This Italy, this Italy! " Many miles before, we had taken an undue diversion, getting on a wrong highway and heading in the wrong direction in the wrong country. That embarrassment! But that is precisely what the call of John the Bap...

Devotional for Adults November 25, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 2

Devotional for Adults November 25, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 2 "But he said to me," My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. " Therefore, I will gladly show off my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may remain upon me. " 2 Corinthians 12: 9, NIV. THERE IS A DARK CHAPTER in the life of the second "Saul" which is seldom reviewed and yet perhaps contains the greatest secret of humility. The newly converted Paul disappeared for several years. Reconstructing what was recorded in the New Testament, we came to the conclusion that he ended up in his hometown of Tarsus. While Paul was there, God granted him extraordinary visions. That divine concession precipitated one of the great crises and principles of humility. "I know a man in Christ that fourteen years ago (if in the body, I do not know, if I were outside the body, I do not know, God knows) was caught up to the third heaven" (2 Cor 12: 2). Paul uses the same...

Devotional for Adults November 24, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 1

Devotional for Adults November 24, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 1 "And he had a son whose name was Saul, young and fair. Among the children of Israel there was none more beautiful than he; Of shoulders above surpassed any of the people. " 1 Samuel 9: 2. WOULD YOU NOT LIKE TODAY to elect the first leaders of the countries in the same way, cast lots? Think of all the acrimony and money we could spare. The names are put on a hat, the territory is removed, the city is extracted, the family is extracted and the individual is extracted. "Ladies and gentlemen, the president!" The first king of Israel was thus "chosen". Tall, dark-haired and handsome, from the tribe of Benjamin: how could one go wrong with someone like that? But they were wrong, terribly. In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins documents the most successful leaders, whom he calls Level 5 leaders: "Leaders of Level 5 are a practical case for duality: modest and stubborn, timid and intrepid. ...

Grupo adventista busca ayudar a poner fin al matrimonio infantile en Bangladés

Grupo adventista busca ayudar a poner fin al matrimonio infantile en Bangladés El país posee el índice más elevado de matrimonio de menores de 15 años, según la organización Human Rights Watch. C avite, Philippines | Teresa Costello, División de Asia Pacífico Sur Grupo adventista busca ayudar a poner fin al matrimonio infantile en Bangladés En el “Día de la Lucha contra el Matrimonio Infantil” el pasado 29 de septiembre, las instituciones educativas adventistas organizaron grupos de discusión y debates para crear conciencia del matrimonio infantil en la nación. El país posee el índice más elevado de matrimonio de menores de 15 años, según la organización Human Rights Watch. En Bangladés, el 65 por ciento de las niñas contrae matrimonio antes de los 18 años, por lo que el país ha identificado como la nación con el índice más elevad...

La Lista de Cristo. Devocional de jovenes

La lista de Cristo 2016-11-15 - Jóvenes «Cristo nos amó y se entregó por nosotros» (Efesios 5: 2). La mayoría de nosotros ha oído hablar de la lista de Oskar Schindler, el alemán que salvó de los hornos crematorios nazis a más de mil judíos. Sin embargo, muy pocos conocemos a Chiune Sugihara. Chiune fue cónsul del Imperio Japonés en Lituania durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cuando Hitler invadió Polonia el 1o de octubre de 1939 muchos judíos escaparon a Lituania. Pero cuando los nazis invadieron Lituania en 1940 la situación de los judíos en ese país se tornó bastante desalentadora. Es en ese momento oscuro de la vida de los descendientes de Jacob cuando entra en acción Chiune Sugihara. Aprovechando su cargo, Sugihara ayudó a miles de judíos a salir de Lituania, otorgándoles visados de tránsito para que pudieran viajar a Japón. Por supuesto, ayudar a los judíos puso en riesgo la carrera de Chiune y la seguridad de su familia, puesto que lo hizo contrariando las órdenes del g...

Be like Jesus There is work to do in the big cities, Sept. 23

Be like Jesus There is work to do in the big cities, Sept. 23 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. Isaiah 9: 2. Every Christian will have a missionary spirit. Bear fruit is to work as Christ worked, love souls as He loved us. The first impulse of a renewed heart is to bring others to the Savior; and as soon as a person becomes the truth, he feels a fervent wish that those who are in darkness see the beautiful light shining from the Word of God ... Missionaries are needed to spread the light of truth ... the big cities, and the children of God, those whom he calls the light of the world, should be doing everything they can in that direction. They will meet with discouragement, will opposition. The enemy will whisper: What can these few people in this great city? But if you walk in the light, each of you can be a light bearer to the world. Do not try to do some great work and [while] ...

Adult Devotional September 22, 2016 Do it, period - 2

Adult Devotional September 22, 2016 Do it, period - 2 "The Spirit said to Philip," Go up and join this chariot. " Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah, he asked, "Do you understand what you are reading? '". Acts 8: 29, 30, NIV. Taking as a reference point our text today, here are the following extracted beginning of this familiar story. Principle 2. Be willing to cross the road or the room. Do it like Felipe. Stand close to start a conversation. Ponte available to the person the Spirit has appointed you. You have no idea where all this will go, but if you do not go, you'll never know. Bill Hybels tells the story of how an African-American Muslim came to know Christ through the action of a stranger in a social activity overnight. The two were in the same room of loud conversation, but the Muslim, obviously feeling uncomfortable as a minority in the group, stood apart and noticed a stranger who was alone on ...

Adult Devotional September 21, 2016 Do it, and point - 1

Adult Devotional September 21, 2016 Do it, and point - 1 "After this, an angel of the Lord said to Philip," Get up and go south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. " This road goes through the desert. Felipe got up and went; and on the way he met a man of Ethiopia. He was a senior official, treasurer of the queen of Ethiopia. " Acts 8: 26, 27, TEV. THE COMPANY NIKE came up with the advertising slogan "Do it, period!". Neither is a bad advice in relation to share your faith with someone. Felipe put into practice in the middle of a highway of his time. You can also do it when you practice the seven principles of how to give testimony hidden in his account. Would you like to receive your orders from an angel? According to the text stands today, Philip yes. But this is not surprising. After all, our invisible guardians fellow Bible teaches: "Are they not all spirits angels dedicated to divine service, sent to serve those who will inherit salvati...

Adult Devotional September 16, 2016 Knees - 5

Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina. Adult Devotional September 16, 2016 Knees - 5 "I thank my God whenever I remember you. Always in every prayer I pray with joy for all of you. " Philippians 1: 3, 4. HOW CAN WE love the lost through prayer? We have been sharing five simple ways to use our prayer lists to cultivate in us God's passion for the lost. Here are the last two: 4. Expand the list. You'll see how God will new names presenting you as you faithfully intercede for the names that you already have. So do not be afraid to continue adding names as the Spirit make you remember them. By the way, you'll be amazed how your prayers for the lost will actually increase your passion for the lost. Is the law of returns on Wall Street: the more you invest in a value, the more strongly you crave success. The more you pray for the l...

Adult Devotional September 15, 2016 Knees - 4

Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina. Adult Devotional September 15, 2016 Knees - 4 "Therefore you can to save completely those who approach by him to God, always living to intercede for them." Hebrews 7: 25. We continue with the third way of love lost through prayer. 3. Work following the list. For some time I have had the name of a university professor in my prayer list (teaches at another university nearby). We studied the Bible together, and found the Spirit made ahondásemos increasingly in the Word. Suddenly, I was plunged into a personal crisis and our studies were interrupted. Any attempt on my part to reconnect with him was subsequently subject to contempt. So I came to the conclusion that this was one of those cases where you spend your best energies and most fervent your prayers, but accept the reality that not every effort t...

Adult Devotional September 14, 2016 Knees - 3

Adult Devotional September 14, 2016 Knees - 3 "I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be made for all men [...]. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth ". 1 Timothy 2: 1-4.  WESLEY Duewel is right: "You can love more people through prayer that no other way" (Mighty Prevailing Prayer, p. 116). If this is the peak time of history and the world moves between friends, what form may have to love our more powerful than through prayer lost friends? After all, says Paul in our text, "this is good and acceptable before God our Savior." Therefore, we see five ways for the lost love through prayer.  1. Make a list. This may include your list "My friends who need Jesus," but is not necessarily limited to it. I decided to combine my prayer lists all in one that I keep separately in my schedule of daily prayer. This list will grow and becom...

Devocional para Adultos 07 de Septiembre del 2016 Listos para debutar - 2

Devocional para Adultos 07 de Septiembre del 2016 Listos para debutar - 2 «Entonces los que se habían reunido le preguntaron, diciendo: “Señor, ¿restaurarás el reino a Israel en este tiempo?”. Les dijo: “No os toca a vosotros saber los tiempos o las ocasiones que el Padre puso en su sola potestad; pero recibiréis poder cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos en Jerusalén, en toda Judea, en Samaria y hasta lo último de la tierra”». Hechos 1: 6-8. ¿QUÉ PREGUNTA TAN «ADVENTISTA»! «¿Es este el fin?». Pero, ¡qué respuesta tan «poco adventista»! «No se preocupen por ello: ¡tienen mucho trabajo que hacer!». Jesús es meridiano. La necesidad más apremiante de sus discípulos no es que conozcan la fecha de su regreso, sino que reclamen la promesa de su Espíritu. Porque «recibiréis poder [griego dynamis, como en “dinamita”] cuando haya venido sobre vosotros el Espíritu Santo, y me seréis testigos [griego martys, “mártir”, uno que da testimonio a través de ...

Sabbath school lesson 11: 4th - 10 Sept.

 On our website you can find publications that promote knowledge of the Bible, devotional life strengthen and support the personal, family and social development of visually impaired English-speaking ".  Click the image to download Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.

Manualidades con Cartón

Esta revista contiene muchas manualidades para elaborar con carton,  así reciclsmos y embellecemos nuesyro entorno!  Para ver la revista presiona la imagen  Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.

Happy and beutiful day

Sabbath school lesson 10: 27 Agost - 3 Sept.

 On our website you can find publications that promote knowledge of the Bible, devotional life strengthen and support the personal, family and social development of visually impaired English-speaking ".  Click the image to download Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.


Sabbath school lesson 9: 20 al 26 Agost 2016

 On our website you can find publications that promote knowledge of the Bible, devotional life strengthen and support the personal, family and social development of visually impaired English-speaking ".  Click the image to download Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.


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Motivación física

Sabbath school lesson 8: 13 al 20 de Agosto 2016

Lección de escuela sabatica para el 13-22 de Agosto en pdf                  Lección de escuela sabatica 8 Contáctenos: Mail: Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina

A wounded can not heal itself??

A wounded can not heal itself After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. In these lay a multitude of sick, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down from time to time at the pool and stirred up the water; and whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had. And there was a man who for thirty-eight years he was sick. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been a long time, he said: Wilt thou be made whole? Sir, the invalid replied, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am going another steps down before me. Jesus said unto him, Arise, take up thy bed and walk. And immediately the man was healed, and took up his bed and walked. And it was the sabbath that day. John 5: 1-9 It is difficult for an i...

Un herido puede curarse solo????

Un herido no puede curarse solo Después de estas cosas había una fiesta de los judíos, y subió Jesús a Jerusalén. Y hay en Jerusalén, cerca de la puerta de las ovejas, un estanque, llamado en hebreo Betesda, el cual tiene cinco pórticos. En éstos yacía una multitud de enfermos, ciegos, cojos y paralíticos, que esperaban el movimiento del agua. Porque un ángel descendía de tiempo en tiempo al estanque, y agitaba el agua; y el que primero descendía al estanque después del movimiento del agua, quedaba sano de cualquier enfermedad que tuviese. Y había allí un hombre que hacía treinta y ocho años que estaba enfermo. Cuando Jesús lo vio acostado, y supo que llevaba ya mucho tiempo así, le dijo: ¿Quieres ser sano? Señor, le respondió el enfermo, no tengo quien me meta en el estanque cuando se agita el agua; y entre tanto que yo voy, otro desciende antes que yo. Jesús le dijo: Levántate, toma tu lecho, y anda. Y al instante aquel hombre fue sanado, y tomó su lecho, y anduvo. Y era día ...


Lesson 7* FridayAugust 12 Further Thought

Friday August 12 Further Thought:  Read Ellen G. White, “Our Example,”  pp. 17-28, in  The Ministry of Healing ; “ 'One Thing Thou Lackest,’ ”  pp. 518-523, in  The Desire of Ages ; “A Social Life,”  pp. 186-188, 190-192, 194-196, in My Life Today . “In order to reach all classes, we must meet them where they are; for they will seldom seek us of their own accord. Not alone from the pulpit are the hearts of men and women touched by divine truth. Christ awakened their interest by going among them as one who desired their good. He sought them at their daily avocations and manifested an unfeigned interest in their temporal affairs.” - Ellen G. White,  My Life Today , p. 186 . How true that many people today, for various reasons, will “seldom seek us of their own accord.” Just as Jesus came down and reached us where we are, we need to do the same for others. On one level, this shouldn’t be so hard. There are so many people out there with so many needs....

Lesson 7* ThursdayAugust 11 The Other-centered Church

Thursday August 11 The Other-centered Church “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus”  ( Phil. 2:3-5, NIV ) .  In  what ways should the principles expressed here rule our lives and impact how we relate, not just to church members, but to our community? When He was on earth, Jesus wasn’t thinking about Himself. His agenda was about desiring the good of others. Much of His ministry consisted of responding to interruptions, such as when Jairus interrupted Him with a request to rush to his house to heal his dying daughter. This interruption was then interrupted by a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years.  (Read  Mark 5:21-43 .) Christ’s church is His heart and hands on earth. Jesus loved people more than anything else, and a church t...

Lesson 7* WednesdayAugust 10 The Second Touch

Wednesday August 10 The Second Touch Read   Mark 8:22-25 . What spiritual lesson can we learn from the fact that Jesus’ first healing touch didn’t fully heal the blind man? After Jesus “spat” on the man’s eyes, He touched him and asked, “ 'Do you see anything?’ ” ( Mark 8:23, NIV ) . Why did Jesus “spit” on his eyes? Ancient literature indicates examples of the use of saliva by physicians. This miracle resembles somewhat the healing of the deaf and mute man in Decapolis not long before that. (Read  Mark 7:31-37 .)  However, unlike all His other recorded healing miracles, the cure for the blind man was performed in two stages. Reread   Mark 8:23-24 . How do you understand the man’s answer to the question “ 'Do you see anything?’ ” “ 'I see people; they look like trees walking around’ ”  ( Mark 8:24, NIV ) . That is, he could distinguish them from trees only by their motion. In a spiritual sense, how could we apply this incident to our own lives? It mi...


Lesson 7* Tuesay August 9: Love Never Fails

Tuesday August 9 Love Never Fails According to Jesus, the two greatest commandments are love to God and love to neighbor  ( Luke 10:27-28 ) . He also showed us who our neighbors are  ( Luke 10:29-37 ) . No question, too, that Jesus’ life, from beginning to end, was an expression of the pure love of God, who Himself is love  ( 1 John 4:16 ) . Thus, if we are to reflect the character of God, if we are to help reveal to others the reality of God and what He is like, we are to love. Think about it another way. One of the greatest “excuses” that people have used to reject Jesus and Christianity as a whole has been professed Christians themselves. What  are some examples you can find in history, or even today, of how “Christians,” or at least people bearing the name “Christian,” have done some terrible deeds, sometimes even in the name of Jesus? Does not even the book of Daniel  (see  Dan. 7:24-25  or  Rom. 2:24 )  warn about this? It’...

Lesson 7* MondayAugust 8 The “Anyway” Principle

Monday August 8 The “Anyway” Principle A leper approaches Jesus and begs for healing. Conventional wisdom says that this man should be isolated. Jesus, the clean One, touches him and heals him  anyway  ( Matt. 8:1-4 ) . Peter denies Jesus three times during His trial  ( John 18:1-40 ) . After the resurrection, having searched Peter’s heart, Jesus reinstates him into His service anyway  ( John 21:1-25 ) . God’s church in Corinth is unappreciative of Paul’s authority and influence. Paul serves them  anyway  ( 2 Cor. 12:14-15 ) . This principle of “anyway” or “in spite of” is essential for revealing the character of the One who desires their good. “Millions upon millions of human souls ready to perish, bound in chains of ignorance and sin, have never so much as heard of Christ’s love for them. Were our condition and theirs to be reversed, what would we desire them to do for us? All this, so far as lies in our power, we are under the most solemn obliga...

Lesson 7* SundayAugust 7 Jonah in Nineveh

Sunday August 7 Jonah in Nineveh Read   Jonah 3:4-4:6 . What serious attitude problem does this prophet have? In  Jonah 4:1-11 , the prophet Jonah sits down east of the great city of Nineveh. He has delivered the message of doom that God has entrusted to him. He reflects on his journey, his reluctance to come to Nineveh, his runaway tactics, God’s insistence in getting Jonah back on mission, the three-day episode in the fish, and the long journey inland from the coast. And for what?  For God to turn around and show His grace on these despicable people?  The people repented, but Jonah now feels betrayed. He feels dishonored and used. His hope had been that the destruction of this heathen city of 120,000 inhabitants would show God’s preference for His chosen people and vindicate Jonah’s hatred for the Ninevites. Read   Luke 19:38-42 . What is happening here, and what is Jesus’ attitude toward the city of Jerusalem? Eight hundred years after Jonah, Je...

Lesson 7* August 6-12 Jesus Desired Their Good

Lesson 7 * August 6-12 Jesus Desired Their Good Sabbath Afternoon Read  for This Week’s Study:  Jon. 3:4-4:6 , Luke 19:38-42 ,  Matt. 5:43-47 ,  1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ,  Mark 8:22-25 ,  Phil. 2:3-5 ,  James 2:14-17 . Memory Text:  “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”  ( Matthew 23:37 ) . On Sabbath morning, during Sabbath School and worship service, skateboarders can often be seen rolling past the main doors of a local Seventh-day Adventist church. Why? Because this church meets in a community youth center facility right next to a skateboard park. And if you thought these skateboarders were an unexpected annoyance, think again. Instead, in an effort to curb the rising youth crime rate, the government in their city built the park to provide...

Lesson 6* FridayAugust 5 Further Thought

Friday August 5 Further Thought:  Read Ellen G. White, “Our Example,”  pp. 17-28, in  The Ministry of Healing ; “Levi-Matthew,” pp. 272-280, in  The Desire of Ages . The church’s mission is to the world, not only unto itself. It was organized for service to others. A church of another faith community has a sign at the end of the driveway, just before the driveway enters the road into the community in front of the church. The sign says: “Servant’s Entrance.” That says it all, doesn’t it? Jesus was a great mingler, and Ellen White indicates that so must be God’s church today. The members are salt and must permeate the community. “There is no call here to hibernate in the wilderness evangelizing jack rabbits. Here is an awesome invitation given by the prophet of the Lord to mingle, like Jesus, with the unlovely, the poor, and the lost. Jesus was friends with sinners. He attended their parties-met them where they were. Jesus never compromised His faith, but He l...