Adult Devotional September 21, 2016 Do it, and point - 1

Adult Devotional
September 21, 2016

Do it, and point - 1

"After this, an angel of the Lord said to Philip," Get up and go south on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. " This road goes through the desert. Felipe got up and went; and on the way he met a man of Ethiopia. He was a senior official, treasurer of the queen of Ethiopia. " Acts 8: 26, 27, TEV.

THE COMPANY NIKE came up with the advertising slogan "Do it, period!". Neither is a bad advice in relation to share your faith with someone. Felipe put into practice in the middle of a highway of his time. You can also do it when you practice the seven principles of how to give testimony hidden in his account.

Would you like to receive your orders from an angel? According to the text stands today, Philip yes. But this is not surprising. After all, our invisible guardians fellow Bible teaches: "Are they not all spirits angels dedicated to divine service, sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Heb. 1: 14, NIV). That means there is no experience of testimony in which you're alone. I like the way he said John Stott: Never forget that the consciousness of the other is on your side. In other words, when you share with others your faith in Jesus or your belief in a biblical truth, remember that your guardian angel is saying the same truth in the mind or consciousness of them. Always you have a partner in your quest for God!

What is the first principle of how to testify that comes the story of Philip and the Ethiopian high official? It is in the words "Felipe got up and left."

Principle 1. Be open to the influence of the Spirit. Be your angel or the Holy Spirit does not matter. There are pivotal moments in life when your witness to another human being will be strategic for the kingdom of heaven. "But how I can know for sure if now is one of those moments?". Ask yourself what you think Jesus wants for that individual: What is saved or lost? Clear! "You may estimate the value of a soul at the foot of the cross, remembering that Christ would have given his life over one sinner" (Christ's Object Lessons, ch. 15, pp. 154, 155). "Yes, but is this the right time?". You may be one of a long line of witnesses that God will use to open slowly, but surely that person to the influence of the Spirit. "But how do I know that testify is really my gift?". It may not be your gift, but certainly is your mission. Remember Acts 1: 8? God has made us all evangelizers, but calls us all to witness. And shameful, shy or introverted you are, you can remain the most strategic link in the divine gold chain of salvation for that person.

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