Adult Devotional September 15, 2016 Knees - 4

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Adult Devotional
September 15, 2016

Knees - 4

"Therefore you can to save completely those who approach by him to God, always living to intercede for them." Hebrews 7: 25.

We continue with the third way of love lost through prayer.

3. Work following the list. For some time I have had the name of a university professor in my prayer list (teaches at another university nearby). We studied the Bible together, and found the Spirit made ahondásemos increasingly in the Word. Suddenly, I was plunged into a personal crisis and our studies were interrupted. Any attempt on my part to reconnect with him was subsequently subject to contempt. So I came to the conclusion that this was one of those cases where you spend your best energies and most fervent your prayers, but accept the reality that not every effort to lead a person to Christ ends in success. And besides, what may to us it seems a failure may be that, in fact, be strategic in the ministry of the Holy Spirit towards that person long after we are gone from the stage and that can end in a double victory for God .

I kept the university professor in my prayer and I kept presenting it before God every Friday, asking God to work where I could not. Then one Friday morning, he was taking a walk of prayer. (Although I run every day, I discovered that include a weekly early morning walk can be a restful and quiet to review your list intercessor with God moment). That morning weighed especially on my heart the name of that teacher, so I said, "God, I do not know if I should even keep trying to contact him, so if it is your will for us we are again contact the study your word, please, let him contact me. " Two hours later I received an email from the teacher saying, "I have missed the time we spent together. When can we start studying the Bible again? And this time you choose it. " Praise God! And I chose it.

What do I mean? You have to be willing to work following your list on behalf of God. Yes, we should pray for the lost. But immediately afterwards, we must be open to the possibility that God needs to use us to answer our own prayers. You say: "There is no way I could get to study the Bible with anyone!". But do not rush to discard what the Spirit can do through you. First, you have the promise: "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4: 13). And, secondly, there are plenty of materials and workshops that God can use to prepare. Ora following your list. Works according to your list.


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