Be like Jesus There is work to do in the big cities, Sept. 23

Be like Jesus
There is work to do in the big cities, Sept. 23

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. Isaiah 9: 2.

Every Christian will have a missionary spirit. Bear fruit is to work as Christ worked, love souls as He loved us. The first impulse of a renewed heart is to bring others to the Savior; and as soon as a person becomes the truth, he feels a fervent wish that those who are in darkness see the beautiful light shining from the Word of God ...

Missionaries are needed to spread the light of truth ... the big cities, and the children of God, those whom he calls the light of the world, should be doing everything they can in that direction. They will meet with discouragement, will opposition. The enemy will whisper: What can these few people in this great city? But if you walk in the light, each of you can be a light bearer to the world.

Do not try to do some great work and [while] neglecting the little opportunities at hand. We can do much being examples of the truth in our daily lives. The influence can thus exercise can not be easily resisted.

People can combat and defy our logic; You can resist our appeals, but a life with a holy purpose, of selfless love in his favor, is an argument for the truth can not contradict. It can be done much more for a humble life, dedicated and virtuous of what can be achieved by preaching when a godly example missing. You can work to build the church, to encourage their fellow believers and make interesting testimony meetings, and can let your prayers go as sharp sickles, along with workers in the field of harvest. Everyone should have a personal interest, a burden of soul, to watch and pray for the success of the work.

You can also meekly draw the attention of others to the precious truths that are in the Word of God. It should instruct young people so they can work in those cities. Maybe they can never be able to present the truth from your desk, but you can go from house to house and point people to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Dust and rubbish of error have buried the precious gems of truth; but the Lord's workers can uncover these treasures, so that many can contemplate with pleasure and respeto.-Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh Day Adventist, 181, 182.

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