Adult Devotional September 16, 2016 Knees - 5

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Adult Devotional
September 16, 2016

Knees - 5

"I thank my God whenever I remember you. Always in every prayer I pray with joy for all of you. " Philippians 1: 3, 4.

HOW CAN WE love the lost through prayer? We have been sharing five simple ways to use our prayer lists to cultivate in us God's passion for the lost. Here are the last two:

4. Expand the list. You'll see how God will new names presenting you as you faithfully intercede for the names that you already have. So do not be afraid to continue adding names as the Spirit make you remember them. By the way, you'll be amazed how your prayers for the lost will actually increase your passion for the lost. Is the law of returns on Wall Street: the more you invest in a value, the more strongly you crave success. The more you pray for the lost, the more strongly you will long your salvation. After all, pray for them has nothing to do with changing the heart of God toward them, right? Calvary is the incontestable proof that God needed no incentive to empty his treasury for us sinners. The truth is that praying for the lost intercessors changes themselves. The more we pray, the deeper becomes our passion. "Oh, if you could hear everywhere fervent prayer of faith: Give me souls buried now under the rubbish of error, if not, I die! Traigámoslas the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus "(Every Day with God, p. 171). That's passion!

5. Keep the list. Keep praying regardless of what happens (or does not happen). Be sure to present that Jesus lost heart. George Müller which, by pure faith and prayer grossed over one hundred and eighty million dollars to establish orphanages throughout England in the nineteenth century soon began to pray for five unsaved friends. After five years, one came to Christ. After ten years, two more became friends. On one occasion, Müller gave this testimony: "I come to pray for two men by name every day for thirty-five years; by land or sea, sick or healthy, I remembered them by name, and I will continue to pray for them every day, by name, until they are saved or die. " After thirty-five years of prayer, the fourth friend was saved. Müller kept praying a total of fifty-two years by the fifth friend. But Müller died. And three days after his funeral, she became the fifth friend.

Who needs to be on your list of prayer for the lost? It is time to pray for them. So create the list, now following list, works according to the list extends the list and keep the list. Maybe in the list is any person for whom no one else prays. It's not surprising that God needs you!


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