Adult Devotional September 22, 2016 Do it, period - 2

Adult Devotional
September 22, 2016

Do it, period - 2

"The Spirit said to Philip," Go up and join this chariot. " Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah, he asked, "Do you understand what you are reading? '". Acts 8: 29, 30, NIV.

Taking as a reference point our text today, here are the following extracted beginning of this familiar story.

Principle 2. Be willing to cross the road or the room. Do it like Felipe. Stand close to start a conversation. Ponte available to the person the Spirit has appointed you. You have no idea where all this will go, but if you do not go, you'll never know.

Bill Hybels tells the story of how an African-American Muslim came to know Christ through the action of a stranger in a social activity overnight. The two were in the same room of loud conversation, but the Muslim, obviously feeling uncomfortable as a minority in the group, stood apart and noticed a stranger who was alone on the other side of the room. "The Spirit made him feel such compassion for the man who was standing alone that he apologized for leaving their environment, went across the room and began walking toward a place I call" zone of the unknown ". [...] There was resolved to himself, probably praying with every step he took, enter the area [...] to see what God could do. (In my opinion, God does his best work precisely in this area) "(Just Walk Across the Room, p. 23).

Do what made this stranger. Do what Philip did. Obey the Spirit and initiatives across the room or the way (sometimes it may seem a long walk). Get out of your comfort zone and enters the zone of the unknown. Because that just did our Lord Jesus once long ago. Traversing the universe, he entered the area of ​​the unknown of this rebel planet to save people like you and me.

We must be willing to do the same: "The same devotion, the same selflessness, the same subject to the declarations of the Word of God manifested in Christ, they must be seen in their [witnesses]. He left his home security and peace, left the glory he had with the Father, left his position on the throne of the universe. He left [...] alone, to sow in tears to shed his blood, the seed of life for a lost world. Similarly they have to leave their [witnesses] to sow "(Review and Herald, November 23, 1905). As Felipe. Like Jesus.

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