Devotional for Adults December 03, 2016 The factor of Isacar - 3

Devotional for Adults
December 03, 2016

The factor of Isacar - 3

"But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own account, but will speak all that he hears and will tell you the things that are to come." John 16:13.

WOULD YOU LIKE THE UNUSUAL ability of the factor of Issachar to understand the times and know what to do? Here are seven simple ways in which the gift of discernment can also be yours.

1. Pray for discernment. Read our text again today. Jesus specifically promised that the Holy Spirit "will make known to you the things that are to come." Start asking now.

2. Study the Word. It makes no sense to try to understand the times without considering what God has already spoken about those times. Review the old prophecies, examine new passages, immerse yourself in the Holy Scriptures. It is precisely the Book that the elect must master. "The exposition of your words gives light; He makes the simple to understand "(Psalm 119: 130).

3. Believe the prophets. The tribe of Issachar already had antecedents. Long before David, the leaders of Issachar knew the importance of taking sides with the divine gift of prophecy: "With Deborah were the princes of Issachar" (Judges 5:15) on the day of battle. And she was a prophetess. On the day of battle, it is best to stand in the ranks of the prophet. "Believe in the Lord your God and you will be safe; Believe his prophets and prosper "(2 Chron. 20:20). A century ago, someone like Deborah wrote: "The present age is of utmost interest to all living beings. The rulers and statesmen, the men who occupy positions of trust and authority, men and women who think, of all social class have the fixed attention in the events that happen around us. They observe the tense relations that the nations maintain. They observe the tension that is taking over every earthly element, and recognize that something big and decisive is about to happen, that the world is on the verge of a great crisis. At this very moment the angels are holding the winds of contention so they do not blow until the world receives the warning of its next condemnation; But a storm is brewing; It is ready to explode upon the earth; And when God commands his angels to release the winds, there will be such a scene of struggle that no pen can describe "(Education, 19: 162). The factor of Issachar - the divinely given ability to discern the times and decide the answer - is predicated on trust in the prophets of God, whom you "do well to be attentive as to a torch that shines in a dark place, until That the day dawn "(2 Peter 1: 19).


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