
Showing posts from November, 2016

Devotional for Adults November 30, 2016 The generation to John the Baptist - 4

Devotional for Adults November 30, 2016 The generation to John the Baptist - 4 "And he went throughout the region adjoining the Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." Luke 3: 3. We were in Europe trying to find Neuschwanstein, that fairy-tale castle in Bavaria, which our daughter had been wanting to see for a long time. We stopped in Innsbruck, Austria, to eat and then we followed our journey by car, discovering a magnificent four-lane motorway that ran through spectacular mountain landscapes. But it seemed we were headed south. We finally left the road next to a small house on a hillside and asked the family how to get to the castle. Looking at our map and then at us, they shook their heads. "No, no. This Italy, this Italy! " Many miles before, we had taken an undue diversion, getting on a wrong highway and heading in the wrong direction in the wrong country. That embarrassment! But that is precisely what the call of John the Bap...

Devotional for Adults November 25, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 2

Devotional for Adults November 25, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 2 "But he said to me," My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. " Therefore, I will gladly show off my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may remain upon me. " 2 Corinthians 12: 9, NIV. THERE IS A DARK CHAPTER in the life of the second "Saul" which is seldom reviewed and yet perhaps contains the greatest secret of humility. The newly converted Paul disappeared for several years. Reconstructing what was recorded in the New Testament, we came to the conclusion that he ended up in his hometown of Tarsus. While Paul was there, God granted him extraordinary visions. That divine concession precipitated one of the great crises and principles of humility. "I know a man in Christ that fourteen years ago (if in the body, I do not know, if I were outside the body, I do not know, God knows) was caught up to the third heaven" (2 Cor 12: 2). Paul uses the same...

Devotional for Adults November 24, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 1

Devotional for Adults November 24, 2016 A Story of Two Saul - 1 "And he had a son whose name was Saul, young and fair. Among the children of Israel there was none more beautiful than he; Of shoulders above surpassed any of the people. " 1 Samuel 9: 2. WOULD YOU NOT LIKE TODAY to elect the first leaders of the countries in the same way, cast lots? Think of all the acrimony and money we could spare. The names are put on a hat, the territory is removed, the city is extracted, the family is extracted and the individual is extracted. "Ladies and gentlemen, the president!" The first king of Israel was thus "chosen". Tall, dark-haired and handsome, from the tribe of Benjamin: how could one go wrong with someone like that? But they were wrong, terribly. In his book Good to Great, Jim Collins documents the most successful leaders, whom he calls Level 5 leaders: "Leaders of Level 5 are a practical case for duality: modest and stubborn, timid and intrepid. ...

Grupo adventista busca ayudar a poner fin al matrimonio infantile en Bangladés

Grupo adventista busca ayudar a poner fin al matrimonio infantile en Bangladés El país posee el índice más elevado de matrimonio de menores de 15 años, según la organización Human Rights Watch. C avite, Philippines | Teresa Costello, División de Asia Pacífico Sur Grupo adventista busca ayudar a poner fin al matrimonio infantile en Bangladés En el “Día de la Lucha contra el Matrimonio Infantil” el pasado 29 de septiembre, las instituciones educativas adventistas organizaron grupos de discusión y debates para crear conciencia del matrimonio infantil en la nación. El país posee el índice más elevado de matrimonio de menores de 15 años, según la organización Human Rights Watch. En Bangladés, el 65 por ciento de las niñas contrae matrimonio antes de los 18 años, por lo que el país ha identificado como la nación con el índice más elevad...

La Lista de Cristo. Devocional de jovenes

La lista de Cristo 2016-11-15 - Jóvenes «Cristo nos amó y se entregó por nosotros» (Efesios 5: 2). La mayoría de nosotros ha oído hablar de la lista de Oskar Schindler, el alemán que salvó de los hornos crematorios nazis a más de mil judíos. Sin embargo, muy pocos conocemos a Chiune Sugihara. Chiune fue cónsul del Imperio Japonés en Lituania durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cuando Hitler invadió Polonia el 1o de octubre de 1939 muchos judíos escaparon a Lituania. Pero cuando los nazis invadieron Lituania en 1940 la situación de los judíos en ese país se tornó bastante desalentadora. Es en ese momento oscuro de la vida de los descendientes de Jacob cuando entra en acción Chiune Sugihara. Aprovechando su cargo, Sugihara ayudó a miles de judíos a salir de Lituania, otorgándoles visados de tránsito para que pudieran viajar a Japón. Por supuesto, ayudar a los judíos puso en riesgo la carrera de Chiune y la seguridad de su familia, puesto que lo hizo contrariando las órdenes del g...