Lesson 6* ThursdayAugust 4 In the Midst of a Crooked Generation

ThursdayAugust 4

In the Midst of a Crooked Generation

No question, the world needs what we have been given in Christ. It’s nothing in us, ourselves, that makes what we have so important. Rather, it is only by virtue of what we have received from Christ that gives us our imperative to reach others. And it’s precisely because we have been given so much that we are called to reach out to those who don’t have it. “ 'Freely you have received, freely give’ ” (Matt. 10:8, NKJV).
Read Philippians 2:13-15. What are we being told here, and how does it fit in with our calling to reach out to others without falling away ourselves?

We have to be careful about so seeking to protect ourselves from the world that we never come in contact with the souls in it. It’s very easy to stay in our own spiritual and theological comfort zone and to become spiritual introverts. Such introversion can turn into self-centered religion. How often do local churches, for instance, spend more energy battling over worship styles or doctrine than they spend in outreach to a dying world?
Robert Linthicum, in his book Empowering the Poor (pp. 21-30), describes three kinds of churches.
First, the church in the city (community). This church has virtually no contact with the community. The bulk of the church’s emphasis is serving its members’ needs.
Then, there is the church to the city (community). This church knows that it must get involved in ministry to the community. It guesses what the community needs without consulting the community it serves. Then it presents programs to the community. Its ministry risks being irrelevant, with no community ownership.
Last, Linthicum speaks of the church with the city (community). This church does a demographic analysis to understand those whom it serves. Members mingle with leaders and residents of the community, asking them what their real needs are. Their service to the community is more likely to be relevant and well-received because the community has already given input and trusts the process. This church joins the community in their struggle to decide what kind of community they want and is a partner with the community toward realizing that goal. Such a church gets involved with community organizations and may help the community to add lacking services, if needed. There is a mutual ownership and buy-in of this partnership to meet real needs.

Contáctenos: Mail: iglesialaagustina@gmail.com Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.


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