Lesson 6- MondayAugust 1 Lost and Found

MondayAugust 1

Lost and Found

Jesus tells three parables in Luke 15:1-32, in direct response to the accusation of the Pharisees and teachers of the law that Jesus “welcomes sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2, NIV).
Read the following passages and note the essence of Jesus’ answer to these accusations.
Luke 15:3-7

Luke 15:8-10

Luke 15:11-24

Each parable begins with something lost and ends with a celebration, an expression of God’s love for us and His profound interest in our salvation.
A pastor was following up a Voice of Prophecy interest and discovered that the whole family was interested in Bible studies, except one. The mother, father, and younger daughter had accepted Christ and were eager to receive the pastor in their home on a regular basis. The older son had rebelled against Christianity and wanted nothing to do with it. Every evening that the pastor visited, the young man left the room and would not participate in the lesson studies. After six weeks of cordial and productive Bible study, the young pastor began to challenge the three who were studying with him to consider baptism. Each had his or her own reason why he or she should wait a few months before deciding. Unexpectedly the young man entered the dining room where the study was in session and announced that he wanted to be baptized as soon as the pastor felt he was ready. He had been sitting in his room following along in a Bible he had purchased at a used bookstore after the first lesson, and all along was growing in conviction that he needed to make a public confession of his faith. Two weeks later the young man was baptized, and one month after that the rest of the family took their stand as well. Considering what we just read in the parables, we can imagine that there was joy in heaven over these decisions.
Jesus purposely placed Himself in contact with such people as the Samaritan woman at the well, a Roman centurion, a “sinful” woman who poured a year’s salary worth of nard on His feet, and countless unrecorded individuals “unworthy” of those who considered themselves too holy to be in their presence.
Have you ever avoided witnessing to a person who would likely not fit well in your church? What would it take for you and your church to find sufficient grace to embrace those “sinners”?

Contáctenos: Mail: iglesialaagustina@gmail.com Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.


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