Lesson 6* July 30-August 5 Jesus Mingled With People

Lesson 6* July 30-August 5

Jesus Mingled With People

 lesson 6
Sabbath Afternoon
Memory Text: “Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them’” (Luke 15:1-2, NIV).
A deacon in a local church drove a van that took the youth to an old-age home to hold a worship service every month. In the first week, while the youth were leading out, an old man in a wheelchair grabbed the deacon’s hand and held it during the service. This happened month after month. One time, when the youth group came, the man in the wheelchair was not there. The staff said that he would not likely live through the night. The deacon went to his room, and he was lying there, obviously unconscious. Taking the old man’s hand, the deacon prayed that the Lord would grant him eternal life. The seemingly unconscious man squeezed the deacon’s hand tightly, and the deacon knew that his prayer had been heard. With tears in his eyes, he stumbled out of the room, bumping into a woman who said, “I’m his daughter. He’s been waiting for you. My father said, 'Once a month Jesus comes and holds my hand. And I don’t want to die until I have a chance to hold the hand of Jesus one more time.’”-Adapted from The Least of These, a video produced by Old Fashioned Pictures (2004). Used by permission.
Christianity is about becoming “Jesus” for somebody. The next several lessons will focus on aspects of Jesus’ ministry method and how His church can live out His ministry.
* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, August 6.

Contáctenos: Mail: iglesialaagustina@gmail.com Facebook: iglesialaagustina Ubicados en República Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Avenida Pedro Livio Cedeño #7, La Agustina.


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