Wednesday, June 29 - The supreme masterpiece. morning young

Wednesday, June 29 - The supreme masterpiece. morning young

"With Christ I am crucified" (Galatians 2: 20, RV95).

In his book A minute to the absurd, Anthony de Mello tells the story of a teacher who tells the painter:

-Any Painter who wants to succeed has d and work tirelessly for countless hours. But only a few are given free of his ego while painting. And when that happens, the masterpiece emerges.

A while later, one of his disciples approached the teacher and asked:

Who is a teacher?

And the teacher said,

Anyone who is given free of his ego. And since then, the life of that person will be a masterpiece.

What are you committed? In "paint a masterpiece 'or make your" life a masterpiece "? To paint well nothing else you have to work "tirelessly for countless hours." However, "free" of the ego is a somewhat more complex issue. The problem is that the ego is so "good" that no one is released from it by his own strength and initiative. And it is to break free of ego involves become independent of me. And who wants to be independent of himself? "Take care of yourself," Paul told young Timothy (1 Timothy 4: 16). My main enemy is me; therefore I have to "get out of myself," my ego, that my life becomes a masterpiece. The question is: How do I do!

Here's the answer: "With Christ I have been crucified, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me "(Galatians 2: 20, RV95). The ego has to be crucified. How do we know that our ego has been crucified? When the driving force of our life is not our will, but that of Christ. To crucify our "I" we allow our life to be lived by him who died for us. And when Christ lives in us, our actions become a great masterpiece, to the point that we "become a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men" (1 Corinthians 4: 9).

Christ living in us, our life will make the loftiest work of art.


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